Friday 5 August 2011

Eno Dey Hia! (Is It Really Necessary?)

As I began to consider probable reasons why I wanted to write and thereon share this piece with you, I couldn't help but to reminisce over my very own bitter passed days and experiences, and how much they've gotten and are still getting the better of me, and how much inasmuch as I seem not to bother about them, they are still are tearing me apart.

Now this is the catch!

Take a moment, think hard. Sink deep into your spirit if you may and ponder over the pains, anguishes and the heartbreaks. The hurtful feelings you are still holding on to and thereafter ask yourself this simple question "Is it really necessary?" Is it really necessary to put yourself (and sometimes the people who worry about our worrying situations) through all these emotional stand-downs and psychological  knockouts? The answer is an echoing 'NO'

The beauty of life is in living it and this is a corollary of life; that inasmuch as you can hurt yourself by your own actions and inactions then brace yourself for it and it is bound to happen, people (family, friends and foes alike) are going to hurt and offend you. Some will even go to the extent of breaking your heart and squelching your spirit. What will you do to prevent that? Very little. Experience teaches all of that.


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